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There’s a great white whale in the lake!

One day near dusk I took the dogs, Jock and Bo, for their usual walk by the lake. It was so lovely, walking around the rocks in the cool of the evening. As we strolled and I was contemplating the beauty of it all, I heard a male voice further back:

‘Hey love – look! A great white whale!”

I looked. A youngish woman was sitting on a rock, looking out across the water. I looked to where she was looking. There was no Great White Whale in sight.

But then… I saw it. A huge white object broke the surface of the water! I was astonished to find myself looking at what appeared at first sight to be a white whale with one brown eye rolling on the surface. It disappeared and in its place popped up a bald male head.

The youngish woman shrieked with laughter.

It was then I realised that what had appeared at. first to be a Great White Whale was in fact a huge white and naked male bottom. The fellow was skinny dipping. 

Oh well, I thought as I ambled off with the boys, as the Great White Whale performed again to more shrieks, at least I saw the Moby part but was spared the other…

As we observe sights and sounds like that around us, it seems that this is where the genesis of stories and poems is formed.