William Billings, known around Wangi town as Billy, stood at the kitchen door and surveyed his family – his wife Irene and their three hungry teenagers. The boys had their cutlery in the ‘ready’ position.
‘Good evening, wifey dear. Good evening, handsome sons!’ he called. Irene returned the welcoming smile. The boys replied with a series of unintelligible grunts.
Billy settled his ample bulk on his chair at the kitchen table and picked up his cutlery. As soon as he and Irene commenced, so did their sons, with the frenzied alacrity of the starving.
Billy indicated the boys with his fork. ‘Just look at them, Irene – finest kids you’ll ever see, and all as healthy as young colts.’ Billy’s prominent jowls quivered with pride. Irene smiled as she watched them. Terry – Sparky to his brothers – the eldest, soon to finish his electrician’s apprenticeship. She looked over to Peter, or Stumpy as his brothers called him because of his stocky build. Smart boy and apprenticed to a carpenter. She glanced over at Ian, or Prof to his siblings – first year Uni, studying law and loving it. Irene smiled to herself, recalling it was she who arranged their apprenticeships and Ian’s University career. Billy’s a good husband and father, she thought, and Lake Macquarie Council pays its outside staff well, but his thoughts were only for the present moment.
Billy waited until the initial feeding frenzy had subsided, then banged his spoon on the table. The boys stopped eating and looked up.
‘Good news, boys – I’ve managed to get us another boat. – Not like the last one. This one’s a real beauty! Isn’t that great news?’
The great news was greeted with silence.