It happened while I was a chaplain in the Regular Army.
I was posted to a military base in Western Australia and we’d been there as a family for nearly three years.
About September, I received a posting order from WA to Oakey Queensland, to take effect immediately because of a situation that had developed there.
That meant Janet would have to stay in WA with the family. I wouldn’t be back for the uplift (removal of furniture, family, cats, dogs etc) until nearly Christmas.
This is not unusual in the Defence Force – military personnel posted before families can be uplifted.
Upon arrival at Oakey Aviation Centre I had to take care of a very sad situation, after which I made a point of finding my way around the base, meeting soldiers, commanding officers, and so on.
There was a strong Military Christian Fellowship (MCF) on the base. They decided to put on a barbie to welcome new personnel posted to Oakey and invited me as the new chaplain.
It was the usual barbie in the backyard of someone’s married quarter, as Army homes are called; snags and chops, a few drams and pints and lemonades and things… heaps of kids running about. I was made very welcome.
About half an hour after the barbie got under way the lady of the house called me over: “Tony – there are two people asking after you – two ladies. They … um, are a little odd looking, but they said they know you and asked for Major Lang. They’re in the lounge room.”
Right at that moment the back door burst open – and two of the oddest looking females I’ve ever seen ran in! They were robust young women – more bust than ro, you understand, and both blonde. Each a wore skimpy top resembling an army uniform, and each had on a pretend Army General’s cap. Everyone just stared, mouths agape.
The two screamed “SURPRISE!! Happy Christmas.